Thursday, August 20, 2009


well its blog number two! so im still not the best at this. its kinda like im putting all the random thoughts that are in my head on here in no order at all. I always write in a jumbled mess! in time hopefully I will get better at that. along with getting better at writing I must learn how to not be so insecure. maybe I need to belive in myself just a little bit more. now back on topic childhood. now im not thinking of childhood as in when you were a child but more as in being a teenager and being a child with friends, this is something I am quite good at! you are never too old to do anything, you need to live out life so hey if you wanna ride the kiddy merry go round outside of cub..then ride it even if you are 17! you might not wanna sit in the helicopter tho you might get a little stuck :) I guess what im getting at is life is short so we need to have fun and do the unexpected be scared of nothing! I am actually really big at being afraid of heights but I still managed to do the ropes course at the mall of america, I have never shock so much, but now I am more willing to try something new. Im all for bettering myself as a person there is so much that I need to improve on but its so hard to tackle it all at once I think in time I will get there but I always need to remember to take it one step at a time! I really ewnjoy writing these and would not care if no one read them I write them for more and its just an added bonus if others wanna read it! now I think I should take a chance and tell people my blog so maybe if they want they will read it and then I will be acomplishing one more thing in life. well thats all for now. :)