Sunday, January 24, 2010


So I remembered about this blogging thing again :) i totally almost forgot about it again ;) I am pretty sure that even if I did forget it wouldn't matter because pretty much no one reads this and I like that hahaha! I would still be happy if no one at all reads this...I just like writing some things cause then its just better.

Recently I learned how to act mature, when acting mature is a hard thing to do. Have you ever disagreed with someone and you just want to argue with that person even when arguing gets you no can argue for hours and still no one wins. Most of the time you are just ended even more mad than what you were before you started this. So when you sit down and actually talk about the problem in a mature way you can actually solve things (okay if the problem is very contraversal than you probably won't completely solve it, but maybe just understand the other more and be okay with not agreeing). I used to love the whole arguing part, I have to admit I am pretty good at it, but that often means saying things that you really don't actually mean, and hurting others, but when you actually sit down and talk on an open level you are more likely to talk about the problem and only the problem and be open on the topic. this is a very good life skill. I am so greatful to have learned it after 17 years.

Age. So this is pretty silly but I have been 17 for for a little over 9 months, and yet I still forget and say I am 16 and not 17. I think its pretty bad that I can't even remember my own age. maybe if I wrote it on my hand over and over again I would remember...I mean that is how I learned my left from right (after I realized I put the L and R on the wrong hand)! maybe I will just wait till I am 18 and maybe this could be the way that I remember my age. I really hate when people ask me how old I am because the majority of the time I am like sixtee.......seventeen hahaha...I look so dumb when that happens. I do this in front of so many people too, but I guess its me and I need to like me for who I am..even if I cant even remember my own age.

memory...kinda going off of the age thing, but I understand that my memory sucks, I have a feeling its going to be really bad when I get old...I am going to like set my glasses down and then be like awwwh I lost my glasses. This is so much funnier when you hear my old person voice and see my old person walk. Well actually i should think of a new name for it cause the name now is categorizing the elderly...and most elderly are not like this, but I think its what I will be like when I am maybe it should be called old Tonia humm I will have to think of something better...since I love doing my Tonia is old walk and talk (I do understand that many old people walk talk and remember just the same as when they were young, and I am NOT trying to be disrespectful, but I am talking about me getting old and not anyone else)

Bloggers...Do you know how some people can go on to their blog and just spill their life story, no matter how good or bad they are just that open...or how some people use their live story to help others. I like how people can do this. I wish I had this trait I do understand that it can get annoying to some people, but being able to open up and tell everyone what you have been through or what is going on that is being brave and it can really help others. Even stories on websites, or speakers, and even people who can just open up to their friends...honestly I still have so many things I want to say some on here to everyone to know, and others just to a few close close close close close friends, but I need the courage, the power, and the trust. Maybe its even to late for some of these things to come out, but idk I wish I had the strength. maybe that will come in time, or maybe I will be without it the rest of my life...who knows

Well its time for this blog to come to an end...If anyone reads this thanks I guess....yeah thanks! haha