Sunday, October 18, 2009


Writing this is like the highlight of my day, I've been looking forward to blogging, I'm kinda unsure why, its not like today was a boring day, its just I am on a good topic that I really like sharing my views about! so a bit more on the topic of smart points just to start things off a bit, I feel that the effect of smart points is the same thing as the effect of talking behind someones back, or saying a rude comment, or just not being there as a friend. someone else could take this 100 percent differently and one is not right or wrong, they are just different views. On this matter I can see a few different views on why they could be good, or bad, but bad just stands out so much more in my mind. If I were to have a conversation with you and you gave me smart points, you probably would think that you were doing something really nice, but to me you weren't and if I eventually never told people how much I hated smart points then this would continue to happen. Now I know a lot of people might not have the courage to tell other people how they feel or how their actions can affect them so greatly and they try and keep it all bottled up inside of them, but me I am not that type of person, I am no where near that type of person, but someone that I know very very well is the type of person that keeps its thoughts to itself. now I won't tell you who this person is because thats not my story to tell, but I will refer to it in a way. So if one keeps their thoughts to themselves and never tells anyone how they are feeling, then the person hurting them will continue maybe because they don't understand or they just don't could even be a combination of both (I think that is probably most common). So a person feels bad about something that is happening and then it keeps happening because they can't or won't stick up for themselves and this can have a dramatic affect on a person, it can be long term or short term affects. The thing is the "hurter" might not even know what is going on. well back to the person that I know in this case the "hurter" knew, but did not fully know what was going on and continued hurting for many years, and it couldn't take it and major problems developed. After all this I have learned to express my thoughts and well sometimes I may express my thoughts a bit too much, I am glad I express them, because I know that it can prevent me from getting hurt, and that I will stick up for myself. The most important thing that I learned from all this is to think before words or actions that are going towards another person, be there for them, and don't say things that have a chance to hurt someone. Yeah joke around but make sure a joke is known as a joke. And again sometimes you might not know what you are saying can hurt, but other times you will. I really wanted to blog about this because even if just one person reads this and understands there words and actions better then maybe I could help someone, someone who is need, someone like the it in my life. I love the it in my life, and I'm glad it was able to overcome all of this and get the help it needed. So please just always remember this, and be nice. even tho I love it, I'm glad I'm different then it, and I hope that I remain stronger then it because of what I know. (if you know me and you wanna talk to me about it, or think you might know about it, just hit it up, I might tell you, but please if I say I don't wanna tell you because it would be too hard or awkward please respect that) It is used for confidentiality i did not want to use he/she because that could make it awkward. one more note before I move on, this is really serious to me, and if I ever tell you I'm hurt by something please know I am saying it for a reason, and even to other people, its respect, and respect is great. I may come back to this topic in a later blog, but right now its getting hard to write about...and I have had to take some breaks in writing this because it is so hard, but I pulled through because it is important. well I am off to go do homework, and probably think about this even more.

check out these blogs, I love them, and am glad these people are my friends :)