Sunday, September 13, 2009


Wow! Its been awhile, well I guess the only reason to explain this is life is crazy, and busy! there was so much to do and such little time! First I wanted to let everyone know that I am challenging myself, well actually I'm being forced to challenge myself, I am very much not excited for this, but I will still try, I may not succeed, but I shall try! Well by now your all probably wondering what it is that I'm challenging myself with, hummm....maybe I won't tell you....nawh! The challenge is for me to go a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK without COFFEE!!! now for some people this would be easy, well not for me...I'm not addicted (I'm really not, even if everyone says I am I'm not) But I do love coffee! Coffee is what brings me my happiness, and my kindness! without coffee I'm just mean and crabby! well enough about my love for coffee! On the exciting news is my internship started! its oh so much fun, but it is also a challenge, but this one is a lovely challenge that I enjoy! This is something that I hope to continue doing for the rest of my life, well, I would have to learn a lot more first, and I would like to do a lot more then I am doing now, but its on the same line! I am enjoying this and I know that I am making the right decision in my life, but it will be a lot of hard work, but very rewarding hard work! Oh, so if you do not already know I want to be an Occupational therapist! Actually nope changing that I want to be a Children's occupational therapist! I love kids, and I want to work with them! and help them! Even more exciting news is I have a host sister! She is a exchange student from Finland! well I'm thinking that I should head off to bed because I can not have my morning coffee!

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