Tuesday, November 10, 2009


the date is 11...10...9 do you get it, its counting! that blew my mind today! So do you remember when I was all like I am going to stay on top of blogging and blog way more, but nope I am way too busy for my life! plus I am way to stressed out, and just not myself. so i have heard family is something very important, and well I understand, but I also disagree. one should love their family, not because they have to, but they should want to, and families should look out for one another. everyone has a different way of doing this. some familes are better than others, and my family is not so good at this. This is something that is very hard to achieve everyone has to work for it, I have learned that one person cant do it all, I can try, but i only fail. So I guess my family is going to remain weak. well I know this is oh so short, but I need to get caught up with life, I will finish this thought later!